Troubled robot vacuum-cleaner maker iRobot, abandoned by Amazon after regulators effectively doomed the web giant’s takeover offer, has warned investors it may not survive the next 12 months.

    316 days ago

    Slightly off topic but how are y’all at replacing the parts that get worn out?

    I’m still on the 2nd filter it came with and I haven’t replaced any of the brushes, etc.,

    I kind of wish I had a maintenance schedule where I just had the parts delivered and replaced them at set intervals rather than having to guess when it’s worn out.

    But I also don’t want to overspend.

      416 days ago

      If you’re using a roomba, the app will typically tell you when to replace your brushes and filter. The filter you can find easy replacements for as well as the little spinning brush. The bigger brushes are harder. You can buy replacements from third party vendors for cheap, but they’re not perfect… and if you have carpeting the roomba will freak out until the third party brushes wear down a bit. After that happens, everything mostly works.

      I usually clean out the roomba every week and replace the brushes every 4 months or so. I run mine nightly though (I have kids).

      216 days ago

      There are a million third party vendors that sell replacements on amazon, just take a look. Though - and I don’t know for sure having not actually read the article - it seems as though you may also need to change out the firmware so you can keep operating it if iRobot’s servers go down, since all the roombas i’m aware of need internet connectivity to operate.

      If you’re at the point where you need to start replacing parts, it might be worth starting to look into other brands