Offer for new job received. Will peruse and accept when I get home.
My current bosses are very happy for me
bosses are very happy for me
Probably to see the end of you (sorry just joshin’ :).
They knew I was looking and this frees up a spot that can be left unfilled. Everyone wins
congrats! A lot of this going around this week.
Tis the season it seems.
Hope it works out. I sold my skillset quite a bit.
to infinity and beyond 🙂
Yessss, another one! Congrats!!
Everytime I read the DDT, I am always in awe at how such a community exists. I’ve never seen any online community that’s as wholesome as this.
I’m rude to plenty of people in real-life, this is an good outlet for niceness.
Wanna fight?
It is something reaḷly special especially at the moment
And you are a part of it. 🙂😘
I really appreciate it too. Feel lucky to have stumbled into it.
Doggo much more comfortable after his second summer haircut.
Handover documents are almost done.
Spoke to my old manager.
Turns out it’ll cost twice as much to replace me than what I was asking for a raise.
Fucking idiots.
In more positive news managed to complete a new track from the music sesh last night. Pretty happy with the outcome!
Are you collabing with my neighbours? She’s at it again.
Go out back. Lean over the fence and say " excuse me, can you not sing outside this late please?"
Junkie lady is having a meltdown next door. It was almost a perfect day. Date was awesome, the day went fantastic.
And this is why I hate the company I’m leaving. I’m stuck here for another 6 months.
Ah well. Can’t win em all.
Damn, I was wondering about your move. I guess getting out of work was more important, you have to prioritise and do what you can
Damn another 6 months? I thought you’d be starting sooner.
Probation is 6 months and real estate won’t touch someone on work probation as you can be fired for no reason with 1 weeks notice.
oh bugger, now I understand!
But we can win some.
We can :)
I had a great night, got to make some new music with a trained pianist which was awesome!
I know exactly how it feels. Hang in there, you will be getting out
Took the dog down the beach this morning, he’s getting on but he absolutely loved it.
On the airbed at the new place tonight trying to get the cats acclimatised somewhat before the Truck tomorrow. LittleOne coping much better than TheVoid. The bottom corner under the stairs is his lair now and he is NOT coming out. I feel so mean.
Morning. I look forward to the idea of today being better than yesterday
I like your idea.
Let’s cross our fingers.
Hoping for the same but with an air conditioner.
I just had the most outstanding ice cream. Mango and cardamom is love, mango and cardamom is life
Wow! Is this marvellous confection purchasable perchance?
The chai shop at QVM was selling it at the summer night market
Thank you very kindly.
That sounds fancy and now I want some lol
I woke up at 4:45 and at the time decided to roll with it and actually join my 5am online yoga class live instead of waiting for replay (teacher is USA based). Regretting it now - so tired and so much of the work day left
know how you feel. started at 7 the other day and was desperate for lunch by 10am.
I’m up at 5:30 and at work just before 7 each day. My normal lunch time is around 11:30 (ie. now - leftovers are in the microwave!) because any later and I’d just about pass out from hunger.
breakfast at 6 and I’m hungry by 11
I get up and start at the same times, but I make sure I take a good snack break at around 1030 otherwise I flake by the end of the day.
I used to get up consistently between 5:30 and 6. Start work around 7:30 and early lunch, early knock off…but I have been getting later and later lately. Need to get back into it.
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If you have applecare and need a repair dont stuff around with apple stores just go to mymac in the city. Apple and I have been playing “is it cracked enough yet?” for months! Mymac were like “its damaged. its your care plan, lets fix it!” no debate no arguing nothing. Heaps better!
They’ll just bill Apple as a replacement and provide ‘evidence’ if asked.
I tried claiming something from Google on warranty, ended up going to JB and they swapped is straight away.
My original purchase was from the Google store.
I like Samsungs approach best. No questions asked phone ususally back from repair within 24 hours.
Apple complaining their insurance company is being difficult doesnt fly with me. I purchase apple care FROM apple. Imagine having the nerve to tell your boss its really chat GPTs fault you stuffed up, not your own.
Another reason I’m not huge in Apple products.
Google too, but no physical stores to complain to.
yeah hard no on no physical stores for google. Hard no on the prices they are charging for non flagship specs as well. Apple are bad for setting the cost so high, samsung are shitty for following suite, google are out of their minds for trying to match.
I had to return my old Pixel phone, and while there was no store, the process was as seamless as Google could make it. They were pretty good about the fact that the phone was 2 years old when I ran into issues (I forget now what was wrong with it). It sucked that I had to use an old phone for a week, but they shipped me out a refurbished phone that was indistinguishable from brand-new to my experience.
I’d have preferred the ability to walk into a store and have my own phone repaired/returned to me inside a day. But I felt looked after with the service they were able to provide.
I tried getting pixel buds replaced about 18 months after purchase. One simply died.
Was given the runaround on the phone for a bit, got fed up and rang my local JB.
Went in and they organised everything in less than 30 minutes.
Called me the next day to come and pick up a new pair. Apparently once Google accepted their return they can issue a replacement from their stock.
In the last half an hour the temp in my backyard has dropped from 38 deg to just over 30. Thank you clouds.
Yay. I told Mr Woof it was too hot for second walkies, but it is looking like an evening walk might be possible after all.
There’s a lovely cool breeze coming through too.
For the retro techies out there… I have a CRT monitor that needs repair to fully complete my retro gaming rig. Tube, cables, HV/flyback etc. are fine, it’s got other electronic issues resulting in no video, that are a little more outside my skillset to fix.
Places willing to fix CRTs are now basically non-existent that I can find, anyone have any tips for somewhere that may repair such a thing? Most hear ‘CRT’ and nope out.
Extra frustrating because my dad used to DO exactly this for a living! I swear I have aches that stem from helping him move mega-heavy CRT TVs around his workshop as a kid! I have no doubt he’d have been able to sort this thing out in a hour or less. 😔
There’s a few mobs in moorabbin that specialise in older tech - got my CD player repaired there (, although they mostly truck in sony). Moorabbin Television Services Pty Ltd I’ve heard good things about, apparently it’s an ex service bloke who’s just running it as a spinner on the side. AN Electronics are apparently not too shabby either, they’re in Huntingdale. There used to be a great one near the library in Mount Waverley I went to back in the day but I’m pretty sure they’re long gone.
Basically: look to your slightly shabby postwar suburbs.
These are all awesome recommendations, I’ll see what I can organise! You are a legend :)
Hey, you asked for retro gamer and equipment opinions :) (I keep a CRT for the atari…Games like asteroids go off the play screen on modern TVs)
I’ve been without a working CRT for far too long, it’s time! Of course the PC I’ll connect to is currently running an IDE spinning rust disk with an OS installed from floppy disk, because I’m a
glutton for punishmentstickler for authenticity :DNext mission is to find a monitor for C64 duties (because oh my god do LCDs destroy the output from one of those no matter what you try and feed it through!)
I noodled on gumtree (I’m looking for a brass luggage rack) and WHY IS ALL THE GOOD SHIT ALWAYS IN ANOTHER STATE
There’s an old guy in Hopetoun Park that does stuff like this but I’d need to wait until the man comes home from work to get the details.
Thanks, that would be much appreciated! I’m in the outer-east but am willing to travel to get it sorted if needs must.
No worries. BTW Hopetoun Park is just before Bacchus Marsh if you were wondering.
Yup know where it is, friends of mine used to live out that way :)
What kind of repair? Maybe a degaussing wand? Remember having speakers near the TV?
Nah degauss is all good and gives a nice satisfying clunk (I lurrrve a good degauss lmao). Not getting any kind of a picture to need it!
Long long day out in the heat but at least I was out in the hills all day so that was slightly less heinous. Something that really unexpectedly lifted my spirits on the way back was having a ute coming in the other direction flash me a warning about a mobile speed camera ahead (although I already had a warning come up on Waze). Idk why but it was just so heartwarming. Maybe they were being extra nice because I was in a work suv with high viz on. (I know it’s a done thing especially outside the city…)
I also saw an old cream-coloured 60s car (Chevrolet?) with club permit plates… that was a LEFT HAND DRIVE. I thought you needed a sign on the car but evidently not. Props to the young woman driving it who had to look around pretty well to merge and shit
Time for a nice cold shower and scrub, and then maybe one of those shitty frozen fillets with a bit of raw carrot and celery, and call it a day. Back out west tomorrow ugh.
the final clean out has commenced
packing starts tomorrow
While packing and moving is always a pain, no matter how well practised, think of how good being close to the beach is going to be! Beeeeach!
Beeeeach 🥹
I am n/k, it’s a 5 min walk to sand
and the same to the train station
This episode of Seagoon is called BEEEEACH